Andrew Kavanagh
Racing & Stud Sales Executive
My love of horses started from a very young age. I’m not from a horsey family, but thankfully where I grew up had some horses. I studied Equine Dentistry in America and I’m currently doing a business Degree with the Open University Cambridge. Horses have and will always be a part of my life. People say horses take you anywhere in the world and its true. I’ve had the pleasure of competing internationally Eventing and traveling the globe on the thoroughbred sales circuit. I’ve also worked many prep seasons with fantastic horses and people in beautiful places. For the last three years I’ve been based in Newmarket, where I’ve gained invaluable experience, really seeing racing at the heart and I absolutely love it.
I enjoy my new role with Dodson and Horrell as it gives me the opportunity to meet great people and see beautiful horses every day across all disciplines and maybe one day to be a small piece of your puzzle to success. Dodson and Horrell is an inclusive brand that has something for everyone, the products are high quality. I personally like the feel and smell of the products and I’ve always found the horses grub up well.
Favourite D&H feed and why?
My go to product is Regener8. It’s a great muscle support product for recovery it also builds up glycogen stores which gives that last push of energy for any finish line.
I look forward to seeing you out on the road!